The Girl With The Incredibly Long Hair
Wales Millennium Centre & Blackwood Miners Institute 2018; Wales tour 2019
Director: Matt Ball, Lighting: Elanor Higgins, Photography: Kirsten McTernan

“The first thing to note is how beautiful the set is for this production. I literally didn’t want to leave and all Molly wanted to do was explore the various areas, from the beehive to the plants dotted around the place. It was all so beautiful…The set and costumes were all so rich in colours and textures, drawing the audience in so you start to believe you’re a part of their world. I loved the use of props, such as the apple trees and honey bees, the little tweaks and designs to make the performance feel so incredibly more-ish!” – Review by Rebel Tribe
Seeking to challenge gender stereotypes in children’s stories, this devised production set out to discover what might happen if Rapunzel was more than capable of escaping by herself, and the BMX riding Prince was better at baking cakes than climbing hair.
The production was ambitious as a small scale tour, transforming each venue completely into an immersive multi-sensory environment surrounded by real plants, chosen for their colour, scent and texture, with the action happening all around the young audience, including some surprises from above! Everything about the design sought also to appeal to sensory impaired audiences, with colours and textures carefully considered in both set and costume.